How Are You?

We say “how are you” to the person checking us out at the grocery store, to a neighbor we pass by on a walk, and to our family and friends when we see them. If you’re struggling with depression or anxiety sometimes it might feel like a trick question. You might even be thinking, “Do they really want to know?”. When we are in the midst of a mental health struggle we often feel alone, like no one would ever understand. Some of us hide how we are feeling - silently suffering inside while everyone around us thinks we are fine. We all deserve support. We deserve to be able to open up with our most vulnerable feelings, fears, and thoughts. If you’re a client of mine, I’m 99% sure you’ve heard me tell you that you are not alone. I am serious - you are not alone. Not only has someone likely gone through something similar, those around you may be able to relate to what you’re going through more than you can imagine. 

So, how do we tell our loved ones we need more support? How do we start the conversation about what is really going on? Pay attention to who you feel emotionally safe around in your life. Choose someone who you have heard talk positively about others. Choose someone who has opened up to you and you know you can trust. Choose someone who isn’t afraid of having a hard conversation. Follow your intuition. Maybe this is your mom, your best friend, or maybe it is someone you just met at church this week who you connected with. 

Let me say it again to let it sink in - you’re not alone. If you are struggling, take a brave step today and tell someone around you what is really going on. Let them know what you need. Ask for help, for support, for encouragement. You’ve got this.


Before You Start Therapy


Comparing Our Suffering