Escape the Digital Noise : Discover the Peace of a Tech-Free Break

Do you feel like Black Friday deals are landing in your inbox earlier and earlier each year?  Recently, I have had many clients and friends share about the many emails they are getting about Black Friday deals, constant information from their social media feeds, and an overall cacophony of digital noise in their brains.  I have the gift of experiencing early life without much technology and social media, making it easy to step back and notice that  life without the digital noise was much more peaceful and less anxiety ridden.  However, as time goes on, this is not the experience of most.  

Do you have to run out to get a flip phone or a land-line? No, but there are ways one can decrease the noise, practice technology boundaries, and take breaks.  This can also increase your ability to be present and exercise the muscle of self-control.  Using technology to escape or avoid a negative feeling can provide short-term relief, but does not lead to long-term healing or positive coping.  Alternatively, there are many easy and creative ways to take a break and find peace.

Some ways that to find peace from technology are:

  1. Unsubscribe from emails from stores, businesses, etc. Most emails have an unsubscribe link at the top of the message.  Click that before hitting the delete button to significantly reduce the emails finding their way to your inbox.

  2. Turn off all notifications to reduce distraction and noise.

  3. Eliminate screens or phone use upon waking for an hour and two plus hours before going to bed (this sounds impossible, but most likely you will not miss anything and will ultimately find more peace and time added to your day)

  4. Take a fast or break from social media: Some ideas are giving up social media for Lent (if you practice this religious tradition), delete social media for the “J” months (January, June, and July), remove social media apps from your phone and only access from computer or tablet, leave your phone behind while going for a walk or with friends (if no safety concerns),  or book a vacation spot with no wi-fi for a technology free vacation.  

  5. Use an alarm clock and leave your phone out of your bedroom.

  6. Have a challenge with your friends to go social media-free, make it fun!

One of my favorite quotes is from the late Jim Elliot; “wherever you are, be all there”.  A tech-free break can help you with being more present and attuned to your surroundings, body, and those around you.  


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